pub trait UIntLike: BitAnd<Output = Self> + BitOr<Output = Self> + BitOrAssign + Not<Output = Self> + Eq + Shr<usize, Output = Self> + Shl<usize, Output = Self> + Copy + Clone {
    fn zero() -> Self;
Expand description

Trait representing the base type of registers.

UIntLike defines basic properties of types required to read/write/modify a register through its methods and supertrait requirements.

It features a range of default implementations for common unsigned integer types, such as u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, and usize.

Required Methods

Return the representation of the value 0 in the implementing type.

This can be used to acquire values of the UIntLike type, even in generic implementations. For instance, to get the value 1, one can use <T as UIntLike>::zero() + 1. To get the largest representable value, use a bitwise negation: ~(<T as UIntLike>::zero()).

Implementations on Foreign Types
